
Silver-Tongued Devil
Sire: Ch Sanroyale's Pardon My Gun RN,
Ch Winjammers Tete Brulee HSA/s, TT
Born: December 11, 2006
Michelle Padgett & co-owned with Wolfcreek Belgians
Sallyann Comstock (Sanroyale)
This little charmer has already packed a
lot into his short little life. He has traveled to a Pat Hastings seminar
in Austin and was evaluated by her at 8 wks of age. He was nearly table
trained that weekend, being placed on and off the table repeatedly while
Pat demonstrated proper structure. He traveled with me to the Houston and
San Antonio shows, taking all the noise and activity in stride. And just
last weekend, Dante was on stage with Ian Dunbar - demonstrating
sit/down/sit/stand/down/stand - at the 2007 IACP conference in Hutto.
We've been very lucky with these wonderful socialization opportunities, but
mostly I've been incredibly lucky that Sallyann allowed this little boy to
share my life. I wasn't really looking for a third dog, but everything fell
into place in such a way that I can't help thinking it was meant to be. As
one of the many people smitten by him at the IACP conference said, he was
heaven sent (even if his was the Devil Litter!)
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